Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety and Accessibility
You can provide a resolution to a safety problem, if you understand the consequences and resolve to do so. As more people embrace our active transportation modes in their daily commute, exercise, and recreation routines, municipalities and other transportation agencies must continuously assess the planning, design, operations, and maintenance of their infrastructure to ensure that these vulnerable road users are provided with the lowest risk environment attainable.
Our experts can assist with the following types of projects related to active transportation safety:
- Network screening analyses to identify locations exhibiting a higher risk to pedestrians and cyclists.
- Safety assessments/audits to evaluate the pedestrian/cycling facilities and identify potential hazards for vulnerable road users related to the safety, accessibility, and connectivity of the active transportation environment.
- Accessibility reviews to determine the range of treatments that facilitate the mobility of people with disabilities throughout our pedestrian, road, and transit networks.
- Policy development to ensure operating authorities are implementing and realizing low risk environments for their users.

Current/Recent Projects:
Waterloo Region Cycling Facilities Review | 2022
True North Safety Group was retained by the Region of Waterloo as part of the WSP Canada team to study the transportation safety components of the Region’s Feasibility and Preliminary Design Study for upgrading and expanding the Separated Pilot Cycling Network on key Regional roads in Waterloo. The study area consisted of four existing and two proposed separated cycling facilities. For this safety assessment, True North Safety Group observed conflicts along each corridor, analyzed the collision history, and completed a desktop review of the geometric and operational data and analysis.
Victoria Park Avenue Complete Streets | 2022
True North Safety Group was retained by the City of Toronto as part of the Alta Planning + Design Team to undertake a preliminary 10% design and feasibility study related to the Victoria Park Avenue Complete Street Project from Lawrence Avenue East to Gerrard Street East using Complete Streets principles. True North Safety Group completed a high-level collision history review of the study corridor. The study included the following tasks:
- Quantitative assessment of the collision history.
- Explicit review and analysis of the collisions that involved vulnerable road users (i.e., pedestrians and bicycles).
- Detailed analysis of collision patterns.
McLaughlin Road Corridor | 2021-2022
True North Safety Group was retained by the City of Mississauga as part of the Paradigm Transportation Solutions Limited team to conduct a safety review of the McLaughlin Road Corridor between Britannia Road West and Bristol Road West. For this safety assessment, True North Safety Group observed conflicts along the corridor, analyzed the collision history, completed a desktop review of the geometric and operational data and analysis, and completed in-field investigations. The deliverable for this project was a comprehensive report identifying issues and potential remedial countermeasures related to: Pedestrian Facilities, Cycling Facilities, Heavy Vehicles, Traffic Speeds, Traffic Operations, Pavement Markings, Centre- and Left-turning Lanes, Sight Distances, Roadside Safety, and Roadway Illumination.