Russell Brownlee, M.A.Sc., RSP1, FITE, P.Eng.

Russell Brownlee, M.A.Sc., RSP1, FITE, P.Eng., is the Chief Executive Officer of TNS and a Transportation Safety Engineer. He brings over 28 years of public and private sector experience in the areas of road user safety, pedestrian and cycling safety, human factors, rail safety, transportation engineering, and transportation planning. At TNS, he provides forensic investigation and consulting services relating to transportation facility design, construction, operations, human factors, and maintenance. He is a registered professional engineer in the Canadian provinces of Ontario, British Columbia, and Alberta. Russell is a certified Road Safety Professional, Level 1, and has been qualified in the Superior Court of Justice, Ontario as an expert in road safety, transportation engineering, road design, transportation planning, site design and parking.
Russell is a recognized expert in undertaking in-service safety reviews of transportation facilities. He has completed safety reviews for the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario and many regions and major municipalities in Ontario. Russell has developed and presented an annual two-day Ontario Traffic Council (OTC) course on all aspects of intersection safety including an at-grade rail crossing module. He was also retained to develop one-day workshops for road safety and risk management for pedestrian and bicycle facilities for OTC. On an annual basis, Russell is invited by Ontario Good Roads Association (OGRA) to present a risk management module at the roadway management course.
Russell is an active member of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE). He was the Canadian District Director and represented Canada on ITE’s International Board of Direction. In addition, he chaired Transportation Safety Council Executive Committee (2008 through 2010), and the Expert Witness Council Executive Committee (2012 to 2014), and was a past member of the Traffic Engineering Council Executive Committee. In 2017, Russell received the Transportation Safety Council Edmund R. Ricker award given in recognition of leadership in the field of traffic safety. In 2023, Russell was the recipient of ITE Canada's most prestigious award - the H. Robert Burton Distinguished Service Award recognizing his decades of work in transportation engineering.
For six years, Russell was the Consulting Engineers of Ontario’s (CEO) appointee to the Ontario Provincial Standards (OPS) Traffic Safety Committee. Through his involvement ITE/CITE, the OPS Traffic Safety Committee, and the Road Safety Committee of Ontario (ROSCO), Russell maintains a working knowledge of current trends, policies and practices, and improvement alternatives in the area of traffic engineering and road user safety across North America.