Congratulations to True North Safety Group’s CEO, Russell Brownlee, winner of the 2023 H. Robert Burton Distinguished Service Award!
ITE Canada's most prestigious award, the H. Robert Burton Distinguished Service Award, is named after a man who spent his entire career practicing and promoting traffic engineering. A founder of the original Canadian Section in 1951, he attended ITE meetings right up to his death at the age of 101 years. Each year, ITE Canada recognizes an individual member who has shown these same qualities that Bob Burton practiced.
This year’s award was presented at ITECARSP2023 by Pedram Izadpanah, who described Russell’s 27-year distinguished career, during which “he has become one of the most credible voices in transportation safety in Ontario and across Canada” and “one of the most trusted experts in forensic investigation related to transportation engineering.”
Russell has chaired and served on numerous ITE committees, and worked with several firms before founding his own firm, True North Safety Group, in 2017. He was joined at TNS by Alexandre Nolet, who described Russell as a friend, colleague, and business partner and said he “knew he’d hit the jackpot getting to work with a top-tier safety engineer” when he first met Russell eight years ago.
Please join us in thanking Russell for his hard work, leadership, and dedication to the fields of safety and transportation engineering!